Thursday, May 10, 2007

Where does Freedom come from?

The ones with the least freedom, are the ones who give their lives to provide freedom for all. Freedom doesn't come from heroes, it comes from the desire to help others. No soldier who dies meets death in vein. A pararescueman from here recently died, saving the lives of other soldiers. I was at the gas station today and heard a man degrade this warrior. He said, "the airmen died for a f'd up cause" Not true, he died saving his brothers in arms. Thats what brought freedom to our country, the ones who are willing to die for others they don't even know.


Abominable's Main Squeeze said...

Many people never learn that concept. You are a good person and we are very proud of you.

LilJ said...

Not saying anything about myself.

Anonymous said...

that is a good point. people who don't have insight into the life of the mill. rarly understand that it's members our honored to die for they country.

Kelsey said...

I appreciate what you all do for the rest of us.

LilJ said...

THIS WAS NOT WRITTEN ABOUT WHAT I DO, BUT THE ONES IN HARMS WAY, FACING DEATH AND DYING. Your appreciation does mean a lot to me, dont get me wrong, but this isn't about me.